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Bouncing Back

Is Your Business Ready For The Return

Covid-19 has taught us at Zahara many things. First and foremost, we don’t need an office to work at 100% productivity - we learnt this very quickly. I was worried at first about how the team would respond to having no office time, but they have dealt with it incredibly well, here's how we've been getting on. My second insight was how reliant some businesses are on paper. Our goal here is to transform businesses into completely paperless operations from an AP point of view - Find out why going paperless could help you. But, this has really opened people’s eyes to the importance of having documents stored in the cloud.

My son asked me at the start of the pandemic “Dad, have you ever experienced anything like this before?” My obvious answer was “No, I haven’t.” But this did get me thinking about what I had learned from all this. I jotted these 5 points down:

  1. Keep our staff motivated and safe – Happy employees, happy customers. Ultimately, if staff aren’t motivated then they won’t work well. This is about understanding what motivates people and checking they’re ok with how and where they are working. Most importantly, check on their physical and mental health.
  2. Find a new way of working when things settle down and we return to our offices – I have been planning for this already, but it is so hard to say when and how we will be able to return to normality. My main concern was everyone working from home all the time, but the team has proven how adaptable and capable they are. We are trying to change the way businesses operate, so we should be open to change ourselves.
  3. Help our fellow business people where we can – This is simple. Give advice to people, check they have everything they need to keep their employees safe and motivated. Using a good piece of software? Let people know.
  4. Use the best technology available to improve efficiency – This one really means a lot to us here. Without programs like Teams and Zoom, we would have struggled. We have had a lot of feedback from customers saying the same about Zahara - Our new InvoiceExpress has proven extremely popular.
  5. Adapt our products and offering to suit the demands of the new world – As the way we work changes, the tools we use should change to suit. We have worked hard to demonstrate how Zahara can help businesses who are now working differently. Our new OCR technology is making a huge impact on the way businesses can operate.

It’s been an interesting time for all of us but now is the time to rise up, be bold, and seize the new opportunities out there. We work within the parameters we are set but we strive to be the best we can be and deliver the best services we can deliver with the resources we have. Zahara strives to bring you the ultimate in Accounts Payable software. See for yourself how Zahara can help you.


Business has changed… Forever


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