Our Demonstration of Zahara - Our silent TV style video that shows what Zahara does and why you should be using it
Martin Peirce - CEO & Founder of Zahara Software talks through the 3 key benefits of using Zahara - controlling costs, better visibility and efficiency.
A CFO Interview - Martin chats to Jonathan Lee, his co director in Zahara for this relaxed podcast style take on the CFO role today.
Martin explains what a Purchase Order is and why they make sense for controlling spend in an organisation as well as adding clarity to the buying process, giving the finance team an advanced warning of expected spend commitments. Learn more by reading our guide What is a purchase order?
Zahara Explained - In this video, we show a complete overview of Zahara's key functionality.
Approvals Explained - Zahara has sophisticated approval workflows and in this video we run through how to set them up and how to make Zaharea sing and dance.
Payments Explained - Is there a better way to pay your suppliers? We review Zahara's built in payment run approvals and how Zahara's tie in with Currencies Direct provides better FX & domestic payments.
Zahara Structure Explained - There is more than one way to set up Zahara. So in this video hear from our fiounder martin Peirce who will tell you the best ways to setup Zahara and how each part fits together and maps over to your finance system.
Budgets Explained - Zahara's Budget functionality is explained in detail by Zahara founder Martin Peirce. He runs through how we think of budgets, where to find them and how to use them.