Our full integration with Sage Intacct will be launched very soon. For those looking to take advantage of Zahara’s easy to set up purchase approval workflows, and affordable automated invoice processing, they can start straight away. We have a universal export connector that allows invoices to be exported from Zahara in the exact format Intacct requires. Then within a few clicks these can be imported into Intacct.
Reminding you of Zahara’s feature set, all Sage Intacct users could benefit from:
Zahara will be launching a full integration with Sage Intacct very soon. This will include a sync of vendors and coding as well as the ability to create invoices in Sage from Zahara.
Because there is nothing else like Zahara for speed and setup. With over 170 settings “in the box” you can be up and running quickly, controlling costs and getting and amazing ROI on your investment
With our easy to setup approvals workflows, you can control costs like never before. Every spend request can be evaluated. Is it the right supplier? is it the right price? Is it even necessary. Approvals get you back in control.
Our supplier management means you can control which vendors appears in the list and what products are available to choose. Leftfield supplier choices can be spotted and evaluated or stopped in their tracks.
Your suppliers love being paid on time. With Zahara, any road blocks to payment efficiency are removed. Supplier invoices can be received, routed and set for payment on AutoPilot with approvals created for the conditions you set.