Purchase Order Generator

Below is the Zahara purchase order generator, it's completely free to use. This is a close replica of the Zahara app's purchase order create screen. You can create a PDF of a purchase order on create. Make any adjustments and changes to the fields below and then use the Continue button to move to the next tab.

Better than your standard Purchase Order template

As you can tell, this is not a standard Purchase Order template. The Zahara customisable PO generator allows for custom fields, branding, line items that include coding.

Have a play, and if you like what you see here, we'd love to offer you a trial or demo more of the amazing Zahara services

Create your Purchase Order using the fields and line items below. When ready click Continue.
>Purchase Orders>Create
Purchase Order Details
Created By  *
Supplier *
Division *
Currency *
Purchase Order Number  *
Created Date
Required by Date
Delivery Address  *
Custom Fields
Purchase Category
Purchase Type
Your Branding
Your company name (For the PO)
N.b - This panel isn't show in Zahara's app.
Your company address (for the PO)
Your email address for the Invoice
Line Items
ywisty icon
Add New Product
# Qty Product Code Description Price Discount Tax % Total Net Total Tax Total Coding
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Coding >>>
Total Net Value: £
Tax Amount: £
Total Gross: £
On this screen you can add comments, add supporting documents or override the default workflow (if you have permission) Click Continue
>Purchase Order>Create
Supporting Information
Supplier Comments
Comments for Approvers
Add files
Upload file
Drag & drop files here or Browse Files
Only .pdf, xls,xlsx, xml, csv and image files permitted.
Approval Process 
Purchase Workflow
Final review before creating your Purchase Order. Click Create to continue
>Purchase Orders>Create
Purchase order:
Date: 17-03-25
 Delivery Address
Required Date: 19-03-25
Net Value £
Total Tax: £0.00
Purchase Category: 
Purchase Type: 

Internal Comments for Approvers

Comments For Supplier

Line Items
Qty Product Code Description Price Discount Net Tax Gross
Document History
Purchase Order Create
March 2025
17-03-25 : 16-48
Draft Purchase Order Created by
Your purchase order is ready to be sent below

Purchase Order

Key Information:
Order Number: 
Order Date: 17-03-25
Required Date: 19-03-25
Created By:
Qty Product Code Description Price Discount Net Tax Gross
Order Comments
Please send your invoice to:
Please Delivery To:
  • All invoices need to reference our order number
  • Payment terms - 30 days from date of invoice
  • All currencies are GBP unless expressly set
  • If you cannot fulfill this order promptly, please contact the originator above.
Total Net
Total VAT
Total Inc Tax
Can I generate a purchase order at the end of this?
Yes, absolutely. Use the screens above to tab through, adding and changing any values as required. On the last tab is the Purchase Order than can be printed to PDF using the print icon.
Is this what a Zahara Purchase Order looks like?
The Purchase Order Template we use is just one of the many designs you can have when you use the full version of Zahara. In terms of the screens above to create a purchase order, then yes, this is a very good representation of our application.
Am I limited in the number of times I can create a purchase order?
There are no limits on the usage above. In fact we invite you to bookmark this page and use us as much as you like. However, what we would suggest is if you are a regular sender of Purchase Orders, you look at using something like Zahara because you get a record of everything sent. In finance, and procurement, an audit trail is really important.
Can I email the purchase order to my supplier?
In this generator above, you can save it as a PDF and then email that to your supplier. In terms of the main Zahara app - which is available on an affordable monthly subscription, then yes absolutely, you can email the purchase order directly from within the app and also have it go into a workflow that sends it as well.
How do the workflows function in the above generator?
As the above generator is a close replication of the main Zahara app's purchase order module, we have shown you where the workflow selector is. Most buyers have the workflow pre-set for them and in this generator, it doesn't have any functionality. But in case of Zahara's app, the workflow functionality is one of the main reasons people come to us.
There are only a few suppliers above in the list?
Yes they are there as an example. A typical user of Zahara will have synced with their finance system so all the supplier information will be visible.

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