No matter the size of your business, you survive by the size of your bottom line. Keeping it in check can therefore be the key to success, especially when you’re growing fast and everyone’s eyes a…
The Complete explanation of purchase order automation It might sound obvious, but there's more that goes into purchase order automation than you might think. Purchase order automation allows yo…
Purchase Order Management (POM) plays a crucial role in the efficient operation of businesses, particularly those scaling up and wanting to take control of costs in a more structured way. So, Would …
It's Time for a Finance Revamp in 2024 A classic line we hear at Zahara all too often is “We are too small for POs". We completely agree that an owner-managed business is too small; however, if emp…
Different Types of Purchase Orders What is a Purchase Order? A purchase order (PO) is a legally binding document issued by a buyer to a seller, detailing a purchase transaction. It basically a…
Running a small business can be both rewarding and challenging, especially when it comes to managing finances. Many small business owners find themselves juggling their own bookkeeping and financial m…
It’s no secret that running a small business comes with its fair share of challenges, with finances and purchase order management being a top concern. Many business owners end up managing their ow…
For finance teams, having an efficient purchase order approvals process is critical in maintaining effective procurement processes. They help to ensure that purchases are made in line with budget c…
Zahara runs from a web browser. To get started, you can register or arrange a demonstration. You can quickly set up your company and start a 30-day trial. After that, it’s entirely up to you whethe…