Do you use Accounting Software, Xero, Sage, or QuickBooks? Are you finding that certain features—like purchase orders, approvals, or invoice automation—are missing or not robust enough? In this …
A brief overview of what is purchasing culture and why we need to manage our spend. What is Purchasing Culture? Recently the company WeWork has been in the news. Because of a leaked document suggest…
We decided to put together this handy demonstration video for those who don't have time to book a demo with us. It covers the basic setup of Zahara, so you can get the most out of your free trial. It …
The Search For Zahara Partners in Australia. Zahara is expanding rapidly and we want to grow our presence in the Australian & New Zealand Market. We are currently looking for partners in Australi…
With all of your purchasing centralised in one easy-to-use and easy-to-access platform, you will be able to visualise and analyse your spend so much more easily. We have a range of graphs and chart…
Your staff can raise purchase requisitions in seconds and approvals can be done - for both invoices and purchase orders, quickly and easily using email or our elegant approvals dashboard. Deliverie…
Zahara runs from a web browser. To get started, you can register or arrange a demonstration. You can quickly set up your company and start a 30-day trial. After that, it’s entirely up to you whethe…
Zahara is all about simplicity. One of our core values is to maintain a clean user interface yet have layered sophistication and capability that can easily be adjusted in the settings yourself. Zah…
Zahara is designed for multi-site organisations like pub groups, care homes, school groups, nursery school groups, or multi-site retail outlets. It also works perfectly for those with multi-concurrent…
What Is Zahara? Zahara is a cloud-based tool designed to help businesses manage and control their organisational spend. By automating key steps in the procurement and accounts payable processes, Zaha…
Raise purchase orders in seconds and have them sent to your suppliers by email. Create Purchase Orders with your own logo Reduce…
Business Settings > Templates > Document Template If the date outputted on your Purchase Order PDF isn't to your liking, you can replace the default place-holder {created date} with 3 x sepa…
Business Settings > Formatting We have now introduced a feature that allows you to choose one of three date formats: US Rest of the world ISO standard This is available in the Busi…
Business > Divisions > Workflow We have just updated Zahara adding some more functions. One of those functions is the conditional approval workflow starts which has been requested by many Zahar…
The Innovation & Evolution of Xero We love Xero here at Zahara. It's so simple and easy to use, even the boss's dad who is 78 years old uses it! (He likes to keep the accounts in the family.) Or…
9/5/2016 - We are pleased to release a new version of Zahara today. We have added in and import facility, so now it's much easier to get setup, as you can import all your suppliers, products and nomin…
We have a tool called "Click2Sync" that can keep Sage 50 fully in sync with Zahara. It is a desktop tool and is available to buy or made available for to any customers using Sage 50 The tool is in…
Tenancy Settings > Create Business Unit As part of your sign-up, you will create your first Business Unit. We think of these as separate companies or separate Business Units. Example, you are…
You create a new user by populating the relevant fields under "Create User" and then clicking "Create". You can suppress (stop) the automatic email going off to the user at that point by clicking "O…
You raise a Purchase Order and the workflow is set or can be chosen. Typically an approver gets an email and asks to approve or reject They are taken to a web page and have two options - Approve or …
Business > Divisions > Edit > Defaults You can set the default workflow for a Division. Once set, every purchase order raised will trigger the approval process by default. …
Our company is relatively easy to manage. Our staff go off and visit customers and rack up some travel costs and the odd overnight stay, and, of course, they want to be reimbursed for this. They li…
So much AP automation software like Zahara is designed around stock and stock control. But there are plenty of businesses like ours, service businesses, that don't care about stock. We do care passion…