How Zahara software ensures robust Accounts Payable security Accounts Payable security is never something you want to compromise on. A bad security incident can ruin an organisation through reputatio…
A new approach to Accounts Payables for Construction. Every industry has its own challenges. In construction, these come from decentralised bases of operation, staggering numbers of invoices, and t…
AP automation and complying with UK tax law. The UK rolled out a new tax initiative in 2019, Making Tax Digital. Its goal: to hoist the tax system into the modern day. Increased efficiency, effective…
The term "invoice scanning" refers to digitizing supplier invoices using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). OCR is a technology that enables software to read machine-printed text from scanned images…
Accounts Payable Automation Solution for Xero Xero: a great piece of business software for SMEs – easy to use, comprehensive, secure. One of its other strong points is the ability to integrate smoo…
No matter the size of your business, you survive by the size of your bottom line. Keeping it in check can therefore be the key to success, especially when you’re growing fast and everyone’s eyes a…
AP Automation, or Accounts Payable Automation, is revolutionizing how businesses handle invoice processing and financial workflows. Integrating AP Automation with your accounting software, such as Xer…
The best solution against fraud might be Automated Accounts Approval Fraud is on the rise. Figures from Crowe’s Annual Fraud Indicator show that the UK private sector lost an eye-watering £157.8…
Looking for an integrated AP Automation Solution for your ERP System? This article looks at different ways to handle ERP integrations – but as your here, let us quickly mention Zahara. Our software …