Zahara’s actionable feedback policy
As a leader in the world of accounts payable automation, we at Zahara recognise the need for continuous improvement, innovation and collaboration with our stakeholders. Feedback is a major part of how we stay ahead. This policy aims to outline clear methods for providing and receiving feedback about any of our business activities, big or small.
1. Objectives
The purpose of actionable feedback is to identify areas for development, improve operations and encourage open discourse. It should be specific, constructive, and result in tangible outcomes.
Continuous improvement: Feedback should nurture a company culture of continuous learning and growth. This is something we encourage in any and all areas of our business operation.
Improving your experience: Feedback should help us improve the services we offer. It also helps us create better relationships with our users.
Improving our content: Feedback should help us improve our blog and public-facing content. This would aim to add value and clarity for anyone in our audience of accounts payable professionals and decision-makers.
2. Guidelines for providing feedback
We ask that your feedback follows the SBI Model (Situation-Behaviour-Impact) to ensure it is clear and specific:
Situation – Tell us about the situation or context of your feedback.
Behaviour – Tell us about the behaviour or action your feedback relates to.
Impact – Tell us about the result – was it positive or negative? – and how it impacted you.
The best kind of feedback is:
- Specific and constructive
- Focusses on the behaviour and impact, not the person
- Solutions-orientated
- Timely
- Respectful
An example of good actionable feedback:
Situation: ‘On Monday 29th’s call about your new updates…’
Behaviour: ‘…the invoice processing software was not explained in depth enough.’
Impact: ‘The result was that we were unclear about certain functions on your software.’
Improvement Suggestion: ‘Next time we could approach the relevant section in greater depth.’
3. Zahara’s standards for receiving feedback
Listen actively: We expect our employees to be open to feedback without getting defensive. Understand the feedback and its intent – is it directed at improvement, growth, or understanding?
Request clarity: Don’t be afraid to ask for clarity. Ask questions to gain a deeper understanding and clarify expectations.
Reflect and act: Once you understand the feedback, take time to reflect on it, then take action to implement changes where needed.
Check in: Once you’ve taken action, check back in with the person that gave you feedback to see how they responded.
4. Feedback channels
At Zahara, feedback can be given through the following channels:
Meetings: Meetings with managers or representatives to discuss areas for improvement and performance.
Engagement: We may reach out to you for feedback on how our product is doing in your business.
Email feedback:
5. Blog feedback
We welcome feedback on our blog too, be it on clarity, value of our content or topics you’d like to see covered. To send us feedback, email
6. Actionable feedback for Product Development
At Zahara, consumer feedback has been a huge part of honing our product to meet market expectations. When we receive feedback we take several steps to ensure that the advice is put to good use. Whether internal or external, these steps are:
Feedback is given: Product feedback might come in the form of bugs, feature requests or user issues. These should be passed on to senior management, optimally in written form.
Feedback is evaluated: The relevant staff will then consider this feedback. It will be discussed and prioritized according to need. When appropriate, action will be taken, then its effect will be reviewed.
Following up: We will then usually get in touch with the party that submitted the feedback to see how the changes have affected them.
7. Feedback recognition
We are always grateful for your feedback. We know that it helps us grow as a company and as individuals. To encourage feedback in all its forms we may offer praise in team meetings or company communications.
Feedback plays an essential part in what we do at Zahara. We hope to foster a company culture of open, actionable feedback. We commit to continuously improving our products, services and content. This policy is in place to support that commitment and drive meaningful, positive change.