Zahara's Blog Archive

Purchase-order-automation featured image 2 (1)

Purchase Order Automation: What is it?

There's more that goes into purchase order automation than you might think.  Purchase order automation allows you to easily raise purchase orders in-app and send them to the relevant people for a…

A woman celebrates at her desk with arms raised, sitting near a laptop. Text on image reads: "Streamline your processes with the best accounts payable automation — leverage Zahara's expert insights for professionals.

Explaining Accounts Payable Automation

We’re often asked, ‘What’s the buzz in accounts payable these days?’ There’s one pretty major answer: automation.   It’s no surprise… recent advancements in technology have allowed com…

What is a Goods Received Note Featrued Image july 2024 2

What is a Goods Received Note?

Every company will have a slightly different invoice processing method, especially if they're automating and using different systems. However, there's one thing that every company must do, regardless …