With better insights into organisational spend, zahara is good for the bottom line as well. Drill-down into line level analysis so you can pivot costs. With our reporting API you can connect to your data as well from apps like Excel, PowerBI or Tableau.
By centralising your businesses buying with Zahara, our advanced reporting allows you not only to see where you are spending money but, more importantly, where you can save money. This is because Zahara aims to add controlled transparency by showing a clear history of invoices and purchase orders, letting you analyse spending down to the line item level.
You can also connect to your Zahara data in your favourite BI app like Microsoft PowerBi / Fabric. Order, Invoice and Line Items are snapshotted every da so you can connect and create any reports you like. This often means your accruals figure is always there for you.
>With your quote accepted, the project kicks off and now it's all down to controlling the costs. Zahara provides real-time reporting of project spend. You can report on project progress against granular budgets to make sure your projects perform profitably.
Our budgets allow you to create departmental or project budgets so you can set spend limits for line-item level items. This means projects can be monitored better and alerts created when spend your teams are spending too much too quickly.