Zahara's documents are stored for a minimum of 7 years. This means all Invoice PDF's are safely backed up for their lifespan. You can set up to have your invoice PDFs saved into DropBox as you create …
We get asked this question a lot "How do I send a copy of the Purchase Order to the Buyer?" Here are the best options available to you. Firstly, there are 3 ways to send a PO to the supplier: Send…
A user can upload a document - Quote/Terms & Conditions when raising an order. They can upload different types of documents that will be stored with the order. You can force a quote to be uploaded…
Using Zapier you can have the PDF of the invoice saved into an application of your choice. Our recommendation is to save to DropBox, OneDrive, or Google Drive. You will need an account at Zapier - ww…