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Post History: Angela
Good afternoon
Would it be possible to add an internal comment/s on an order that are visible witho …In: Internal Comment/ Visible Note addition without order reprocess
1 year ago
Good afternoon
Our organisations benefit from the Zahara feature for raising orders against budget …In: Budget claw back from closed orders
2 years ago
Hi Nick
Thanks for the response. I have logged the call and read the knowledge base and tried alter …In: Project Orders not working
2 years ago
Good morning
In your companies how do you raise and approve annual orders against your budgets?
&n …In: Annual Orders
2 years ago
Good morning
Has anyone had an issue with raising purchase orders for Projects?
Our business has n …In: Project Orders not working
2 years ago
Good morning
We would like the facility to close a purchase order in Z3 as an edit option like it w …In: Add Z2 individual purchase order edit features in Z3
2 years ago