- Supplier paid on time
- Cost per invoice
- Invoices per FTE
- Staff per manager
- Map Your Processes – take a look at your current workflow, document each step. Start as early in the process as possible, such as purchase requisition or supplier selection. Identify bottlenecks and opportunities to streamline the process.
- Implement Cloud based Purchase Approvals – automate your purchase-to-pay process using cloud based platforms, such as Zahara. By implementing easy to use, low cost cloud based platforms, you will be able to capture powerful powerful performance data while ensuring an efficient process for automating budgets, purchase requisitions, orders, receipts, invoices and approvals.
- Monitor, Improve & Benchmark – identify the key performance metrics that you need to focus in on. The IOFM suggest paid on time, cost of invoice, invoices per FTE and staff per manager as quantifable data to compare with similar businesses. With software in place such as Zahara, this type of data is readily available and allows management to deliver tangible business benefits, whilst the team optimise efficiencies.