Doing background checks...
Passwords must match and meet the criteria.
Please select a provider or proceed without one.
Building your trial now...
We’re excited to have you onboard. Your trials has been created and you can now login. Please review the information below:
Yes. That's us. The essence of Zahara is approving purchase requests and invoices and here is your first one
Zahara's login URL is
We have created an email address for you to email invoices. This is
You have chosen a password as part of the onboarding email. However, if you use Microsoft 365 or Google Suite and your email address supplied here is the same, you can login using the links on the login screen as well. You can reset your password on the login screen or inside the app. The button below will take you to the login screen:
Thank you for finding Zahara and taking the time to give it a try. We have sent you an onboarding email as well, but please remember we are real humans here, working in Bath in the UK and Brisbane in Australia, so do reach out if you have any questions or ideas for improvements.