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Tax Codes Explained

If you reclaim back your expenditure taxes you may want to set up tax codes. We allow for as many tax rates or tax codes to be created as required. If you don’t reclaim your tax, you may want to set one code of zero, with a 0% rate and set it as the default.

If you are in Europe and have VAT or Australia/Canada with GST then you will probably re-create the same tax rates as in your accounts system.

With our Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks Online, & Sage 50 sync (UK), tax codes can be imported automatically.

To add, or import Tax codes, read the Coding Lists help article. 




In Business Settings > Purchase Orders – Required Fields section – you can set whether a tax rate has to be set when completing an order.

User Settings

If you don’t wish to see tax rates at all for both invoices and orders, you can take the ‘Tax – View’ permission off for users in a user’s permission set. This is on the Admin > Settings and click into a user’s individual permission set. Then untick the Tax view option. You will need to set a default tax code though so that the user can complete an order. 

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