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Sample Supplier Email

If you are about to deploy Zahara and would like to notify all of your suppliers about your new process, below is a sample of an email you might want to send. You can send this email in Zahara’s supplier’s module. Just head to Suppliers. From here, you can multiple-select your suppliers and then click the email icon. 

Sample Text

Dear Supplier,

XYZ Ltd are implementing a new automated purchase order and invoice processing solution using Zahara which will deliver an improved service to you.  In order for you to benefit from this new service please note the following when submitting invoices and credit notes to us with immediate effect:

  1. Please do not supply us without a valid purchase order document.
  2. Please quote our purchase order number on all invoices.
  3. Please send all invoices to – we will not process paper or posted invoices.
  4. Please send one invoice per order and one invoice per PDF.
  5. ALL other correspondence should be sent to as per previously sent.

Please notify us if you cannot meet these obligations as a supplier. 

Yours faithfully


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