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Release Notes – 12/04/2022

The business settings area has been completely overhauled in line with the new look and feel of Zahara. We hope you find them easy and slick to navigate around. Here are some of the new features we have given you as part of this release:

Search – You can now use a search bar at the top of the business settings area to search for any setting you might want to change. Type invoice into the search, and we will show you the areas of business settings that contain the keyword. You can then choose the area and the key word will be highlighted on the page.

Parent/nested custom field lists – you can create custom fields that cascade on selection, meaning when one option is chosen, another set of options will become available in the next custom field. For example, if I choose BMW I get the options of 1 series, 2 series, etc in my next custom field. If I choose Ford, I get Mondeo, Escort, Fiesta in the field.

Notes section – this allows you space to store notes on the business settings, this also gives a history of the changes that have been made, which user made the changes and when.

Usability enhancements – generally Zahara 3 should be easier to use, some of the more helpful features in this release are help messages next to the settings, complete redesign of the templates area, you can now send test templates, and saving settings is easier.

Those are the main areas in this release. We always welcome feedback, so please get in touch if you have suggestions for us. The next area to be developed will be the coding lists.

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