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> Budgets > Consuming the budget
Consuming the budget

Budgets can be consumed in a number of ways:

  1. By the originator when raising an order – feedback on whether the line item is in budget.
  2. By the approver – the approver can see how the order affects the budget.
  3. By editing the division and viewing the budget.
  4. Inside a project – seeing how the budget is performing for that project.
  5. Going to the reporting tab inside the budget module.
  6. From within the reporting module.

Budget Commit

Spend can be committed when an order is Createdsent to a supplier or when an order is approved.

Pending spend will be shown in addition to committed spend.

Draft orders can also be included in the pending spend if required.

The settings for this are in Business Settings and the Budgets section. 

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