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Product Centric Buying

Simplify your purchasing process with this intuitive feature.

What is it?

Product Centric Buying introduces a new search section to the Purchase Order creation screen, enabling faster and more efficient product discovery.

How does it work?

Search Fields:

  1. “What would you like to buy?”
  2. “Where do you usually buy it from?”

Zahara will match your query with against your supplier product catalogues

Add Items: Select the desired products from the search results to add them directly to your Purchase Order. You can also amend the line items fully before routing them for approval.

Why it’s great:

  1. Saves time and reduces manual effort.
  2. Quickly locate products using intuitive search fields.
  3. Facilitates accurate and efficient Purchase Order creation.

How to Enable Product-Centric Buying

To enable this feature:

  1. Navigate to Business > Settings > Purchase Orders.
  2. Toggle on: Product Centric Buying.
  3. Once enabled, a new “Product Search” section will appear at the top of the purchase order creation screen.

How to Use Product-Centric Buying

Start Your Search:

  1. Use the fields:
    1. “What are you looking to buy?”
    2. “Which supplier do you usually buy from?”
  2. You can use any combination of these fields:
    1. Leave the supplier field blank to search broadly for a product.
    2. Leave the product field blank to see items ordered from a specific supplier.
    3. Use both fields to refine your search to a specific product catalogue for a specific supplier.

View Search Results:

  1. Click Search Products to display a table of results.
  2. The table will show matching products from your supplier product catalogues

Add to Purchase Order:

  1. Edit the quantity directly in the table.
  2. Click the + button to add the item to your purchase order.
  3. The supplier for the selected product will be automatically set as the purchase order’s supplier. Future searches will limit results to this supplier.

Display Options

Customising the search results table

Use the table icon located at the top-right corner of the search section. Select the columns you want displayed for a tailored view that suits your preference.

Start using Product Centric Buying today and experience a faster, smarter, and more streamlined purchasing process in Zahara!

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