Business Unit Category
Add an email signature
Coding Restrictions
Create new Business Unit
Custom Fields on Line Items
Customised labels
Date formating
Default delivery address
Division Management
Editing Email Templates
How to hide cost codes
Invoice email forwarding – Microsoft 365
Pros and Cons of Using Zahara’s Inbuilt Email Service vs. Your Own SMTP
SMTP & Email Sending
T&C on your PO Template
Invoice Processing Help Category
Auto reject supplier invoices
Auto rejecting of invoices issue
Finding an order or invoice
How to create a credit note
Invoice email forwarding – Microsoft 365
Invoice export colours
Invoice Inbox
Invoice List View
Invoice matching
Invoice Processing Explained
Month end cut offs
Negative Order Balance
Setting up Autopilot
Supplier Matching
Waiting for a GRN
Purchase Orders Category
Adding a product to an order
Adding documents to an order
Bulk importing orders
Close Orders Automatically
Closing an order
Copy PO to Buyer
Creating a Purchase Order
Deleting a PO
Duplicate Order Prevention
Editing an order
Finding an order or invoice
GRN an Order – Learn with this Guide
Grouped Purchase Orders
Import Line Items
Negative Order Balance
PO Template Editing
Product Centric Buying
Purchase Order Numbering
Purchase Order PDF
Purchase Order Prefix
Purchase Requisition Number
Quick Create a Purchase Order
Send PO to Supplier
Supplier order acceptance
What is a Purchase Order?
To access new reporting, navigate to the Admin menu and then the Analysis link. Currently, two versions are running in Zahara. You need to be in the newer “V3” part of Zahara to access new reporting. After logging in, head to Purchase Orders from the Documents menu, and then you are in “V3”. If you have the correct permissions, you will see the Admin menu. From here, click Analysis.
You should see this:
Under the word “Dashboard”, you will see a Business Unit selector. Choose the Business Unit(s) you wish to report on. This is shown in the red box below. You can change this and the date range and then click “Update Report”. This will choose the data we are using for the dashboard below and the reports that can be run.
There is a Business Unit filter shown in the blue box below, directly above the dashboard, that can also be selected. This is a filter, whereas the selector above is used to engage the data. There is a subtle difference.
The dashboard numbers are there to save you time trying to calculate these values using reports. If you adjust the date range, then these numbers should be meaningful for you. All numbers shown exclude tax but are converted to the base currency of your first business unit.
Committed Spend
This is the value of Orders raised within the date range, that have been approved. Pending approval or Draft is excluded from this number.
Net GRN Total
This is the Value of orders that are yet to be Receipted. If this value is zero, then everything you have ordered is fully received.
Matched Order to Invoice Difference
The value of the orders raised, less the invoices received against them.
Invoices Awaiting Approval
The value of invoices that are in approval workflows, still yet to be approved.
Disputed Invoices
The value of invoices which have a Reject status
Invoices Not Exported
Value of invoices not yet exported.
There are 6 Reports you can run. Each report has totals of the Currency values. Each report can be exported to PDF or Excel using the Share icon.
Invoice Lines
A line-level report for all invoices created in your chosen date range for the Business Units selected.
Purchase Order Lines
A line-level report for all Orders created in your chosen date range for the Business Units selected.
Order Invoice Difference
This report is line level and shows the difference between the orders raised and the invoices received against them.
Awaiting Delivery
This report shows the line items and the quantity and value of items not received.
GRNI – Goods Received Not Invoiced
This report shows line items of Goods that have been received but are as yet not invoiced. The Net & Gross value are totalled for you.
Audit Trail Report
Within the date range set, this report shows Orders and Invoices created and the approval workflows and the steps these documents have taken.
You can export reports by clicking the Export icon that is shown when you click into the results pane as shown below:
From here, you will see a dialogue box that offers you PDF, Image or Excel. Excel is best for analysis.
Now click the export button in blue. The Spreadsheet will be in your downloads folder and will represent what you see on screen.