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Disaster Recovery Planning


We get asked regularly about disaster recovery and having access to your data in the event of a serious outage of Zahara. This is often a compliance requirement to ensure that you have visibility of the financial records you are creating in Zahara. There are several ways to achieve this goal. You can transactionally achieve this by using Zapier. Whether you want your Purchase Order line items or the PDF of any invoices created, Zapier allows you to wait for events in Zahara and then have the data stored or populated in a destination of your choice. As an example, the PDF of any invoice created could be stored in a DropBox or OneDrive folder.

In addition, we have a separate database that is populated nightly. This premium feature can be enabled for you subject to additional charges. You can connect to this data in different applications like Excel or PowerBI. The data is usually used for reporting purposes but can equally be used for Disaster Recovery purposes. We can provide you with a password-protected Spreadsheet that is pre-connected to your data. The data is specifically:

  • Purchase Orders – headline information including status 
  • Invoices –  all the non-line-item details you would need 
  • Line Items – The specific line items of every Purchase Order and every Invoice. 

There are additional tables that can be connected as well including Suppliers. A spreadsheet would require manually refreshing but applications like Microsoft PowerBI can be set to sync the data on a schedule. You then have a permanent copy of your data that is accessible outside of Zahara. 

Please discuss this with customer success should you wish to know the pricing. To find out more, read the specific help article on the reporting API

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