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Customised labels

Zahara can be customised to suit your own language. Zahara comes with pre-set labels for things like GL code, Cost Code and projects. You can rename these to suit. So if for example you don’t want to see the labels Nominal Codes, but would prefer account codes, you can rename them. This is set up in Business Settings – look for the section called labelling.

How it works

Head to Business Settings> Labelling.
You will then see the following screen:


When you make any changes to the labels, click ‘Save Profile’ at the top of the page and create a profile. Make sure the profile is set.


Division/Divisions – The plural of these are the menu items – so divisions in the business menu and divisions on the section. You might want to rename this to department. The single of this will appear on the purchase screen or invoice screen.

Division Settings VAT reg – This is a very European label and is found within the Division settings.
Nominal Codes/Nominal Code – You say Nominal I say GL! Or Account Code or Buying category. Whatever you call it you can change it to suit.
Tax Code/Tax Codes – You can rename these to suit – such as tax rates.
Cost Code/Cost Codes – These have always been an arbitrary line item value that you can use any way you want. Now you can name them to suit.
Postal Code/Zip – Whatever you need to call it, you can. This will display in the Divisions and the Business Unit.
Project/Projects – You may prefer Job or Event.
Supplier/Suppliers – Our US customers already have Vendor set for them but this term is again mainly used in the UK. No matter what you call them, you can rename it to suit.
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